At a time when creativity is more critical than ever, why do we still have to work so hard to justify why art is important?
Artists and their art practice need to be supported and invested in – their constant questioning, exploration, raising of societal, environmental and political issues as well as their generosity of spirit make the world a better place. Art raises awareness, marks time and reflects our values. Art connects communities, shapes culture and fosters wellbeing. Art is vital, it is irreplaceable and one of the most critical aspects of our culture and humanity.
According to Arts Project Australia artist Michael Camakaris, his art practice is the most important thing in his life. Not only is making art enjoyable and purposeful, it gives him a voice while providing intellectual stimulation and meaningful work.
Camakaris reflects, “I make art to express myself about things like my disenchantment with the world, and how I feel about the injustices in life – some people having so much and some people having so little. Through art, you can let out some of your anger and express the way you view the world. Along with all the other disciplines in the arts, like films and theatre, what you express can lead to more acceptance of people with differences and increase understanding in society.”
We know art has an extraordinary impact on our lives – the community tells us, studies tell us and the economy tells us. The jury is in and it’s a no-brainer: art matters and is too important not to share. Mic drop.
Originally published on 10 September 2020 as part of a virtual exhibition series 'Mapping Our Own Future',